
Emilia Romagna is a region particularly fertile and productive, where the climate is tempered by the influence of the Adriatic Sea. Its boundaries are bordered to the north by the Po River and to the south by the mountain ranges of the Apennines.

It is a land rich of flavors, not only in the culinary aspect, but also from the artistic, cultural and architectural point of view. The Romanesque face of Modena coexists with the Byzantine Ravenna and its precious mosaics; the austerity of Piacenza lays in contrast to the gaiety and vivacity of Rimini; Bologna is a crossroads of cultures and the perfect synthesis of the various regional characters; Ferrara preserves the Renaissance splendor, while Faenza is internationally renowned for its pottery.

Emilia Romagna is also a land of engines, with a deep-rooted mechanic tradition, and a deep passion for speed on two and four wheels. Not only Ferrari, but also Maserati, Ducati, Lamborghini. Museums and private collections, unique in their genre, follow one another within few kilometers. Maranello and Modena are home to the Ferrari museums, while the famous racetrack is in Imola.

The regional cuisine is made of strong and refined flavors, in which the peasant tradition blends with the ducal and papal specialties. The undisputed protagonists of the table are fresh egg pasta, cold cuts, Parmesan cheese, and the balsamic vinegar of Modena.

Finally, the wine culture is expressed in wines as Malvasia, Lambrusco, Pignoletto Gutturnio, Sangiovese, Bosco Eliceo and Albana Passito.